Art has always been my life since I could hold a crayon or master a sculpture with scotch tape and construction paper. I graduated with a degree in art from SIUE and currently work full-time as a graphic designer at a local television station. I get the pleasure of working with many talented people. I have been using Photoshop since college (too many years to count now!). Since having a full-time job and having photography as my hobby isn't enough work I also teach graphic design part-time at the local community college. Yes, I am a busy bee! Being an instructor helps me stay up-to-date on the latest technology, equipment and trends not only in the graphic world but in the photo world too. They are related in sooo many ways! I have all the latest technology, equipment and software to achieve that professional quality you want in your images! Even though, my photography is self-taught I have taken numerous classes and I am always learning. Many of my friends and co-workers are photographers and offer me their professional advice and critique my work.

So what do I do in my free time? What is free time? LOL. I enjoy working out and taking kickboxing classes. I am recently a newly-wed. I also like to spend some of my free time with all my nieces and nephews.